Comunicaciones a congresos
Year: 2017
Exploiting Relevant Dates to Promote Serendipity and Situational Curiosity in Cultural Heritage Experiences
Dahroug, A., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., González Soutelo, S., Reboreda Morillo, S. M. & Antoniou, A (2017). In 12th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization. Bratislava, Slovakia : IEEE.
Leveraging short-lived learning networks to encourage collaborative peer learning
Bravo Torres, J. F., E. Andrade-Rea, P., E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 12th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO). La Plata, Argentina : IEEE.
Onto-SPELTRA: A robotic assistant based on ontologies and agglomerative clustering to support speech-language therapy for children with disabilities
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Guamán-Heredia, M., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Lojano-Redrován, J., Pesántez-Avilés, F., Quisi-Peralta, D. et al (2017). In 12th Colombian Conference on Computing (12CCC). Cali, Colombia.
OPPIA: A multi-model platform for e-learning
E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Bravo Torres, J. F., Gallegos Segovia, P. L., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In IEEE XXIV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). Cuzco, Perú : IEEE.
SOPPIA: Social Opportunistic Intelligent Ambient of Learning
E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Bravo Torres, J. F., L. Gallegos-Segovia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In Workshop on Teaching, Learning, and Social Networks (TeLeSoN), in conjunction with IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). Sydney, Australia : IEEE/ACM.
Stimulating social interaction among elderly people through sporadic social networks
Osmani Ordoñez-Ordóñez, J., Bravo Torres, J. F., D. Sari-Villa, Ó., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 10th International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS). Cozumel, Mexico.
VNIBR-EM: A Routing Protocol for Emergency Messages Dissemination in Vehicular Networks
Bravo Torres, J. F., E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 5th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET). Chennai, India.
Year: 2016
A robotic assistant to support the development of communication skills of children with disabilities
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Ochoa-Guaraca, M., Carpio-Moreta, M. et al (2016). In 11º Congreso Colombiano de Computación. IEEE.
A semantics-based exploratory game to enrich school classes with relevant historical facts
Bravo Quezada, O. G., López Nores, M., García Nogueiras, I., Perdíz Gradín, D., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al (2016). In IEEE (editor), 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization. Thessaloniki, Greece : IEEE.
An ecosystem based on ontologies and robotic assistants to support the development of social communication skills in children with autism
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., León Wong, V. C., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., Naranjo Cabrera, E. et al (2016). In 8th International Conference on e-Health, pages 83-90. IADIS Press.
An exploratory game based on semantics to improve History learning
Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2016). In 9th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies, pages 346-348. IADIS Press.
An ontology-based expert system to generate therapy plans for children with disabilities and communication disorders
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Guamán-Murrillo, W., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Quisi-Peralta, D (2016). In IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting. IEEE.
Automating the formation of sporadic groups and the selection of topics for online language learning driven by personality traits and interest profiles
Agustín García-Vélez, R., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In IEEE (editor), 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016) – Doctoral Consortium. Austin (TX), USA : IEEE.
Building context-aware customized stories based on uncovering indirect associations from semantic knowledge bases
Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., Pesántez Ñauta, D., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2016). In 5th International Workshop on Semantic Multimedia (SMM), in conjunction with 10th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC). Laguna Hills (CA), USA.
Exploiting Virtualization and Sporadic Clouds for Collaborative Downloading in VANETs - A new Networking as a Service
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M. & Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J (2016). In EEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). Vienna, Austria : IEEE.
Intersection-based routing on top of a virtualization layer to support vehicular cloud applications in a smart city
Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., López Nores, M., Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2016). In 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing, pages 97-104. IADIS Press.
Leveraging proactive and reactive intersection-based routing protocols for collaborative downloading in VANETs
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Saians, V., Bravo Torres, J. F. & López Nores, M (2016). In 2016 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM).
Leveraging Proactive and Reactive Intersection-Based Routing Protocols for collaborative downloading in VANETs
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2016). In 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2017). IEEE.
New prospects for state-of-the-art technologies in Digital Humanities: The CrossCult H2020 project
López Nores, M (2016). In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). Dublin, Ireland : IEEE.
OPPIA: A context-aware ubiquitous learning platform to exploit short-lived student networks for collaborative learning
Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU). Rome, Italy : INSTICC.
Robotic assistant for support in speech therapy for children with cerebral palsy
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Ochoa Guaraca, M., Carpio Moreta, M., Pulla Sánchez, D., Serpa Andrade, L., López Nores, M. et al (2016). In IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC). Ixtapa, México.
SAFER: A Context-Aware Ubiquitous Assistance Platform for Elderly Care
Bravo Torres, J. F., Santiago Redrován-Parra, H., Fernando Soto-Sarango, Á., Arcesio Andrade-Padilla, J., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. et al (2016). In VII Congreso de Ingeniería Biomédica (CLAIB). Springer.
SPELTA-Miner: An expert system based on data mining and multilabel classification to design therapy plans for communication disorders
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. & Quisi-Peralta, D (2016). In 3rd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). Saint Julian's, Malta : IEEE.
The use of semantics in the CrossCult H2020 project
Bampatzia, S., Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., Antoniou, A., López Nores, M., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. et al (2016). In 2nd International KEYSTONE Conference (IKC). Springer.
Using Cortical Learning Algorithm to arrange sporadic online conversation groups according to personality traits
García Vélez, R. A., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International). Toronto, Canada : Springer.
Dahroug, A., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., González Soutelo, S., Reboreda Morillo, S. M. & Antoniou, A (2017). In 12th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization. Bratislava, Slovakia : IEEE.
Bravo Torres, J. F., E. Andrade-Rea, P., E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 12th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO). La Plata, Argentina : IEEE.
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Guamán-Heredia, M., Robles-Bykbaev, Y., Lojano-Redrován, J., Pesántez-Avilés, F., Quisi-Peralta, D. et al (2017). In 12th Colombian Conference on Computing (12CCC). Cali, Colombia.
E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Bravo Torres, J. F., Gallegos Segovia, P. L., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In IEEE XXIV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON). Cuzco, Perú : IEEE.
E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Bravo Torres, J. F., L. Gallegos-Segovia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In Workshop on Teaching, Learning, and Social Networks (TeLeSoN), in conjunction with IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). Sydney, Australia : IEEE/ACM.
Osmani Ordoñez-Ordóñez, J., Bravo Torres, J. F., D. Sari-Villa, Ó., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 10th International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS). Cozumel, Mexico.
Bravo Torres, J. F., E. Vintimilla-Tapia, P., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2017). In 5th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET). Chennai, India.
A robotic assistant to support the development of communication skills of children with disabilities
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J., Ochoa-Guaraca, M., Carpio-Moreta, M. et al (2016). In 11º Congreso Colombiano de Computación. IEEE. -
A semantics-based exploratory game to enrich school classes with relevant historical facts
Bravo Quezada, O. G., López Nores, M., García Nogueiras, I., Perdíz Gradín, D., Blanco Fernández, Y., Pazos Arias, J. J. et al (2016). In IEEE (editor), 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization. Thessaloniki, Greece : IEEE. -
An ecosystem based on ontologies and robotic assistants to support the development of social communication skills in children with autism
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., León Wong, V. C., García Duque, J., Pazos Arias, J. J., Naranjo Cabrera, E. et al (2016). In 8th International Conference on e-Health, pages 83-90. IADIS Press. -
An exploratory game based on semantics to improve History learning
Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., López Nores, M. & Pazos Arias, J. J (2016). In 9th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies, pages 346-348. IADIS Press. -
An ontology-based expert system to generate therapy plans for children with disabilities and communication disorders
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., Guamán-Murrillo, W., Pazos Arias, J. J., García Duque, J. & Quisi-Peralta, D (2016). In IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting. IEEE. -
Automating the formation of sporadic groups and the selection of topics for online language learning driven by personality traits and interest profiles
Agustín García-Vélez, R., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In IEEE (editor), 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2016) – Doctoral Consortium. Austin (TX), USA : IEEE. -
Building context-aware customized stories based on uncovering indirect associations from semantic knowledge bases
Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., Pesántez Ñauta, D., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2016). In 5th International Workshop on Semantic Multimedia (SMM), in conjunction with 10th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC). Laguna Hills (CA), USA. -
Exploiting Virtualization and Sporadic Clouds for Collaborative Downloading in VANETs - A new Networking as a Service
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y., López Nores, M. & Víctor Saiáns-Vázquez, J (2016). In EEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). Vienna, Austria : IEEE. -
Intersection-based routing on top of a virtualization layer to support vehicular cloud applications in a smart city
Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., López Nores, M., Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F. & Ramos Cabrer, M (2016). In 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing, pages 97-104. IADIS Press. -
Leveraging proactive and reactive intersection-based routing protocols for collaborative downloading in VANETs
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Saians, V., Bravo Torres, J. F. & López Nores, M (2016). In 2016 8th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM). -
Leveraging Proactive and Reactive Intersection-Based Routing Protocols for collaborative downloading in VANETs
Ordoñez Morales, E. F., Saiáns Vázquez, J. V., Bravo Torres, J. F., Blanco Fernández, Y. & López Nores, M (2016). In 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2017). IEEE. -
New prospects for state-of-the-art technologies in Digital Humanities: The CrossCult H2020 project
López Nores, M (2016). In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH). Dublin, Ireland : IEEE. -
OPPIA: A context-aware ubiquitous learning platform to exploit short-lived student networks for collaborative learning
Bravo Torres, J. F., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU). Rome, Italy : INSTICC. -
Robotic assistant for support in speech therapy for children with cerebral palsy
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., Ochoa Guaraca, M., Carpio Moreta, M., Pulla Sánchez, D., Serpa Andrade, L., López Nores, M. et al (2016). In IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC). Ixtapa, México. -
SAFER: A Context-Aware Ubiquitous Assistance Platform for Elderly Care
Bravo Torres, J. F., Santiago Redrován-Parra, H., Fernando Soto-Sarango, Á., Arcesio Andrade-Padilla, J., Ordoñez Morales, E. F., López Nores, M. et al (2016). In VII Congreso de Ingeniería Biomédica (CLAIB). Springer. -
SPELTA-Miner: An expert system based on data mining and multilabel classification to design therapy plans for communication disorders
Robles Bykbaev, V. E., López Nores, M., García Duque, J., Gil Solla, A. & Quisi-Peralta, D (2016). In 3rd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). Saint Julian's, Malta : IEEE. -
The use of semantics in the CrossCult H2020 project
Bampatzia, S., Gustavo Bravo-Quezada, O., Antoniou, A., López Nores, M., Wallace, M., Lepouras, G. et al (2016). In 2nd International KEYSTONE Conference (IKC). Springer. -
Using Cortical Learning Algorithm to arrange sporadic online conversation groups according to personality traits
García Vélez, R. A., López Nores, M. & Blanco Fernández, Y (2016). In 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International). Toronto, Canada : Springer.