
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5)

array_reduce --  Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function


mixed array_reduce ( array input, callback function [, int initial])

array_reduce() applies iteratively the function function to the elements of the array input, so as to reduce the array to a single value. If the optional initial is available, it will be used at the beginning of the process, or as a final result in case the array is empty.

Ejemplo 1. array_reduce() example

function rsum($v, $w) {
    $v += $w;
    return $v;

function rmul($v, $w) {
    $v *= $w;
    return $v;

$a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$x = array();
$b = array_reduce($a, "rsum");
$c = array_reduce($a, "rmul", 10);
$d = array_reduce($x, "rsum", 1);

This will result in $b containing 15, $c containing 1200 (= 1*2*3*4*5*10), and $d containing 1.

See also array_filter() and array_map().