
(PHP 3 CVS only)

sesam_fetch_result -- Return all or part of a query result


mixed sesam_fetch_result ( string result_id [, int max_rows])

Returns a mixed array with the query result entries, optionally limited to a maximum of max_rows rows. Note that both row and column indexes are zero-based.

Tabla 1. Mixed result set returned by sesam_fetch_result()

Array ElementContents
int $arr["count"] number of columns in result set (or zero if this was an "immediate" query)
int $arr["rows"] number of rows in result set (between zero and max_rows)
bool $arr["truncated"] TRUE if the number of rows was at least max_rows, FALSE otherwise. Note that even when this is TRUE, the next sesam_fetch_result() call may return zero rows because there are no more result entries.
mixed $arr[col][row] result data for all the fields at row(row) and column(col), (where the integer index row is between 0 and $arr["rows"]-1, and col is between 0 and $arr["count"]-1). Fields may be empty, so you must check for the existence of a field by using the php isset() function. The type of the returned fields depend on the respective SQL type declared for its column (see SESAM overview for the conversions applied). SESAM "multiple fields" are "inlined" and treated like a sequence of columns.
Note that the amount of memory used up by a large query may be gigantic. Use the max_rows parameter to limit the maximum number of rows returned, unless you are absolutely sure that your result will not use up all available memory.

See also: sesam_fetch_row(), and sesam_field_array() to check for "multiple fields". See the description of the sesam_query() function for a complete example using sesam_fetch_result().