XLIV. Funciones InterBase

Tabla de contenidos
ibase_blob_add --  Add data into created blob
ibase_blob_cancel --  Cancel creating blob
ibase_blob_close --  Close blob
ibase_blob_create --  Create blob for adding data
ibase_blob_echo --  Output blob contents to browser
ibase_blob_get --  Get len bytes data from open blob
ibase_blob_import --  Create blob, copy file in it, and close it
ibase_blob_info --  Return blob length and other useful info
ibase_blob_open --  Open blob for retrieving data parts
ibase_close -- 
ibase_commit -- Commit a transaction
ibase_connect -- 
ibase_errmsg --  Returns error messages
ibase_execute -- 
ibase_fetch_object -- Get an object from a InterBase database
ibase_fetch_row -- 
ibase_field_info --  Get information about a field
ibase_free_query -- 
ibase_free_result -- 
ibase_num_fields --  Get the number of fields in a result set
ibase_pconnect -- 
ibase_prepare -- 
ibase_query -- 
ibase_rollback -- Rolls back a transaction
ibase_timefmt -- 
ibase_trans -- Begin a transaction