LXVIII. Lotus Notes functions



Este módulo es EXPERIMENTAL. Esto significa que el comportamineto de estas funciones, nombre de funciones y en definitiva TODO lo documentado aqui, puede cambiar en una futura version de PHP SIN AVISO. Quedas avisado, y utilizar este módulo es tu responsabiliad.

Tabla de contenidos
notes_body -- Open the message msg_number in the specified mailbox on the specified server (leave serv
notes_copy_db -- Create a note using form form_name
notes_create_db -- Create a Lotus Notes database
notes_create_note -- Create a note using form form_name
notes_drop_db -- Drop a Lotus Notes database
notes_find_note -- Returns a note id found in database_name. Specify the name of the note. Leaving type bla
notes_header_info -- Open the message msg_number in the specified mailbox on the specified server (leave serv
notes_list_msgs -- Returns the notes from a selected database_name
notes_mark_read -- Mark a note_id as read for the User user_name
notes_mark_unread -- Mark a note_id as unread for the User user_name
notes_nav_create -- Create a navigator name, in database_name
notes_search -- Find notes that match keywords in database_name
notes_unread -- Returns the unread note id's for the current User user_name
notes_version -- Get the version Lotus Notes