CIX. XSLT functions


Este módulo es EXPERIMENTAL. Esto significa que el comportamineto de estas funciones, nombre de funciones y en definitiva TODO lo documentado aqui, puede cambiar en una futura version de PHP SIN AVISO. Quedas avisado, y utilizar este módulo es tu responsabiliad.


About XSLT and Sablotron

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Transformations) is a language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents. It is a standard defined by The World Wide Web consortium (W3C). Information about XSLT and related technologies can be found at


This extension uses Sabloton and expat, which can both be found at Binaries are provided as well as source.

On UNIX, run configure with the --with-sablot and --enable-sablot-errors-descriptive options. The Sablotron library should be installed somewhere your compiler can find it.

About This Extension

This PHP extension implements support Sablotron from Ginger Alliance in PHP. This toolkit lets you transform XML documents into other documents, including new XML documents, but also into HTML or other target formats. It basically provides a standardized and portable template mechanism, separating content and design of a website.

Tabla de contenidos
xslt_create -- Create a new XSL processor.
xslt_errno -- Return the current error number
xslt_error -- Return the current error string
xslt_free -- Free XSLT processor
xslt_output_process -- unknown
xslt_set_base -- Set the base URI for all XSLT transformations
xslt_set_encoding -- Set the encoding for the parsing of XML documents
xslt_set_error_handler -- Set an error handler for a XSLT processor
xslt_set_log -- Set the log file to write log messages to
xslt_set_sax_handler -- Set SAX handlers for a XSLT processor
xslt_set_sax_handlers --  Set the SAX handlers to be called when the XML document gets processed
xslt_set_scheme_handler -- Set Scheme handlers for a XSLT processor
xslt_set_scheme_handlers --  Set the scheme handlers for the XSLT processor