EuroITV’11 Doctoral Consortium

Wednesday 29 June

14h00 - 18h20


14.00 Welcome and Introduction

14.15 Presentations and discussion (25 min/paper: 15 min presentation + 10 min discussion)

  1. Xabier Landabidea Urresti “Televisual Leisure Experiences of Different Generations of Basque Speakers”

  2. landabidea.pdf

  3. Luis Miguel Pato “Mobile TV: Towards a Theory for Mobile Television”

  4. pato.pdf

  5. Michael Pirker “Enhancing and Evaluating the User Experience of Interactive TV Systems and their Interaction Techniques”

  6. pirker.pdf

15.30 Coffee break (20 min)

15.50 Presentations and discussion (25 min/paper: 15 min presentation + 10 min discussion)

  1. Tanushyam Chattopadhyay “Research for Development of Value Added Services for Connected TV”

  2. chattopadhyay.pdf

  3. Sabine Bachmayer “Collaboration in Broadcast Media and Content”

  4. bachmayer.pdf

  5. Sara Kepplinger ”Subjective Quality Assessment of Free Viewpoint Video Objects”

  6. kepplinger.pdf

  7. Ron Adany “Allocation Algorithms for Interactive TV Advertisements”

  8. adany.pdf

  9. Eva Oliveira “Video Access and Interaction Based on Emotions”

  10. oliveira.pdf

18.00-18.20 DC wrap-up

19.00 Reception at Palácio Foz

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The art of doing a Ph.D.